
A homebrewer's quest to pass on knowledge

Thursday, August 17, 2006

BrewLOG expansion

Let's all raise a glass in welcome to new contributing author Jesse. Unlike yours truly, Jesse is experienced at lager brewing and kegging. I hear his first post will be tracking a typical lager brew run on his system. Cheers!

Friday, August 04, 2006

A hit from the biggest kid on the block

The blog got a hit from A-B. They were looking for the conversion from barrels to hectoliters. Let's hope they know which barrels they're using! (An A-B rep told the History Channel they use 31 gallon barrels - see the update in the cask esoterica entry). As I said in the Miller Time entry, wouldn't you think the biggest brewery in the world would have a better source of this info than an amateur brewer's blog?